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  150. //myconsole.log(postdata);
  151. return postdata;
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  153. afterSubmit: function(r, data) {
  154. var messageString = r.responseText;
  155. var mesObj = eval('(' + messageString + ')');
  156. return [mesObj.state, mesObj.msg];
  157. },
  158. errorTextFormat : function(data) {
  159. return 'Error: ' + data.responseText;
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  161. },
  162. // options for the Add Dialog
  163. {
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  185. errorTextFormat : function(data) {
  186. return 'Error: ' + data.responseText;
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  192. afterSubmit: function(r, data) {
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  242. }, {
  243. label : '发布规则表达式',
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  270. });
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  272. // the buttons to appear on the toolbar of the grid
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  295. afterShowForm: function (formid){
  296. },
  297. serializeEditData: function(postdata) {
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  304. if(index=="id"){
  305. postdata["urlRule."+index]=value
  306. }
  307. })
  308. //myconsole.log(postdata);
  309. return postdata;
  310. },
  311. errorTextFormat : function(data) {
  312. return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
  313. }
  314. },
  315. // options for the Add Dialog
  316. {
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  323. beforeSubmit: function(postdata, formid){
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  325. if(index!="jqGrid_id" && index!="oper"){
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  329. return[true,''];
  330. },
  331. errorTextFormat : function(data) {
  332. return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
  333. }
  334. },
  335. // options for the Delete Dailog
  336. {
  337. errorTextFormat : function(data) {
  338. return 'Error: ' + data.responseText
  339. }
  340. },{
  341. // search options 这里支持多条件查询
  342. multipleSearch: true,
  343. closeAfterSearch: true,
  344. sopt:['eq','ne','cn','nc','lt','le','gt','ge'],
  345. afterSubmit: function(r, data) {
  346. var messageString = r.responseText;
  347. var mesObj = eval('(' + messageString + ')');
  348. return [mesObj.state, mesObj.message];
  349. }
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  354. <title>发布规则管理</title>
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